Saturday, January 31, 2009

Monochrome Factor, Vol. 6 [DVD Box Set]

It's finally come!

Just a quick word before I actually post the scans. The other days I was browsing through AnimePaper when I found that someone has been reposting the scans from here on there. If you are going to do that, please give me or the group credit. I certainly don't have to share with anyone but I want to because we're all MF fans and so we should all be able to see such beautiful art. If you did it (and I've a pretty good idea of who you are, praise to usernames), and it was just a slip on your part, I'm forgiving you, but just asking that you mention where you got the scans from in the future. I spend a lot of money on these DVDs and give (or will be giving, as the DVD extra chats I will translate shortly) freely of them so that everyone doesn't have to.

All right, ramble over. On to the scans!

Special slipcover.
asldhgalsdjf I hate trying to get this straight in the scanner,
it just doesn't happen no matter how hard I try.

Normal cover, featuring Aya and Akira.
Pretty nice, I really like it. :) Love the cityscape in the background.

In other group news:
- We've fallen pretty far behind Ainex, and with the rate things are going I don't think we'll be catching up. We still want to finish, but we understand a lot have fled us. That's fine. You can keep checking back for other translations, DVD extras, etc. and only watch our episodes if you really want to.

-First drama is almost done. (I said that awhile back and then a midterm popped up on me. -__-) It should only take a couple of hours to finish with the several different processes, so I will post that tomorrow sometime, definitely.

- Kengo's "World of Tomorrow" and Master's "Monochrome" lyrics have been provided to me, and those will be translated soon. Kou's "Dive" is on its way to me as we speak. Expect those all to be posted sometime this month.

-Monochrome Broadcast (モノクローム・放送部), one of the extra chat sessions from the first limited edition DVD set, is in pre-translation stages right now. This is going to be scary to translate because the actors are crazy, but it's a lot of fun and I'm sure everyone wants to hear more about the actors and what they think of the show. Hopefully I can have the first one up in the next few weeks, before term finals set in.

And that is all. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Character CD 02 - Shirogane "Crystallize"

Hellos everyone!

I've been told episode 15 is finally in its last stages, but when that'll actually go up is yet to be seen as it is midterms for me and semester finals for other members of the Trinity. I do have the drama from Akira's character CD almost completely translated, so hopefully that can go up sometime this week.

For now, here's the second character CD - Shirogane's "Crystallize".

1. Crystallize
2. オリジナル連続ドラマ「白銀楼の影」 第二話「山の手の影」
3. キャストメッセージ
4. Crystallize (Off-Vocal)

MegaUpload SendSpace MediaFire

Please enjoy. :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

覚醒~dark&light~ CD Download

So the group has discussed and decided we will post music we have to share with all of you. :3 Here's the first one up - the second ED, Kakusei~dark&light~ by Suwabi Junichi (Shirogane) and Konishi Katsuyuki (Kou).

1. 覚醒~dark&light~
2. 白金&洸ミニドラマ「暁を待ちながら」
3. 覚醒~dark&light~ (off vocal)

MegaUpload SendSpace MediaFire

Please enjoy. :)

Also, my blog crystallize is being updated with screencaps from the Monochrome Factor DVDs every weekend. Soon I'll have re-translations and other goodies there too. Go check it out if you wish.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Monochrome Factor OST

Hi! I'm alive ^^ so I have to type this quick, but basically we got a hold of the MF OST, aren't you happy?

Please give a very big thank you to Dark_Angel88 for it!

Well here you go:

Monochrome Factor OST [MegaUpload]

*Disclaimer-we don't own this, it belongs to the original creators, please buy it from your own retailer, or buy the game that it comes with, so don't hurt us O.O, thank you*

(And for those of you who prefer SendSpace, please wait for Yusa to upload it 'cause I don't have that account, sorry...)


P.S. For those of you wanting the "polished" version of 15, I'm sorry. I'm have to redo it because when I re-opened the script file to embed it, I discovered that all of the subs past the 3 minute mark were gone T-T So I have no idea what it'll be out soon ^^

EDIT: Here's the SendSpace link for the CD.

Also, I have been hearing requests for translation of uncut episode one. While we will not sub the episode, I've put screencaps up on my new translation/anime blog, crystallize. You can go there to see it. ;)


Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Akemashite omedetou! I hope all of you are looking forward to this happy new year! And we at MonoRyuukou-Subs will celebrate with... a new poll!


More technical difficulties have set in but we are trying to get 15 out as quickly as possible. However Ainex has risen again and you are certainly free to go nab what they've got out. We want you to get those episodes ASAP and if we're not that group, then you've no obligation to wait around for us.

Another little note that might interest some: it looks like FUNimation has acquired rights to Nabari no Ou. To the informed, you'll remember that Nabari no Ou and Monochrome Factor were in the same lot awhile back when FUNimation was pulling fansubs off the net. Perhaps our beloved Akira and Shirogane will end up on their way to be dubbed over soon. We'll be sure to keep you updated.