Friday, October 31, 2008

End of Mid-Terms = Good For You

So I finally had my last mid-term today: my Japanese oral. Here's how the evaluation afterward went...:

Well, Yusa-san, you did pretty well. You're between "excellent" and "superior" on this grading chart.

If that isn't a self-esteem boost, I don't know what is. ^^

Quite. ^^ You did very well with your grammar, pronunciation, creativity using the grammar, and stringing words together. However, your big weak spots are vocabulary and intonation.

What can I do to fix this for the final, sensei?

Well, there's one very good way to work on it.

And that is...?

Watch Japanese shows. Like, dramas. Or anime. That's it. Make sure you watch lots of anime and take notes. Make sure you listen very well. That's your homework. Can you do that?

.... 8DD Yes, sensei!

So, that's good news for all of you. I still have several large papers that I need to work on, but I'll be going "home" this weekend and be missing several days of school. This should give me more than enough time to finish my papers and really get down to some translating. I'm not promising quicker output of episodes (since subbing and checking go to Vinny and Wolfy, who will not have as much time as me) but it will make the waiting in between translating and actual production much shorter. Hopefully. That will give an overall shorter time.

Besides, if the sensei gives me permission to sit around and watch anime and dramas (alskdhgaef FUURIN KAZAN FTW), why shouldn't I do it? It's to everyone else's benefit too. Certainly the best bargain around.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quick update 29.10.08

Wow, so midterms are almost over after a month of being stretched out. I have my Japanese oral on Friday, and that's it as far as testing goes until December. I do have several papers due, but they shouldn't get in the way as much as all these tests have.

It looks like Ainex is down, which has its ups and downs, I suppose. That means you don't get anything too high-quality, but since we've been getting such good response from you guys, maybe we don't even need to think about that.

I've still yet to translate 16.2, and I'm hoping to have time next weekend after I've finished a couple papers. 15.2 is still being checked, but that should soon be passed on to Wolfy so she can get 15 started. I'm excited to get started on 17, since it's one of my favourites, but I'll have to restrain myself to finishing 16 first.

I'd like to remind everyone to please, please not bother us about new episodes. Overall, you guys have been quite good. Please read the FAQ, because we will follow our own rules and we will delay release if we continue to be pestered. I am quite literally breaking my back even writing this blog to let you guys know the progress report. We are doing our best to get the episodes out as quickly as possible. Please respect that and wait quietly.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Downloads and Torrent Issues

Hey everyone!

We've been getting some e-mails saying that some of you have had problems downloading from Megaupload. We're working on hosting the files on other sites. If you check back later today, or in a few days, you should see at least one new link for each episode.

As far as torrents go, those just aren't working for us right now. You're welcome to keep trying, but just know that we know they aren't working. When we can get those up and running, we'll let you know.

Little progress report...: 15.1 is in Wolfy's control, 15.2 is in its final stages of being checked by Vinny, and 16.1 has been passed on as well. I would love to finish translating episode 16, but since midterms are tearing into my time I probably won't be able to for at least another week. But, at least I'm ahead a little bit. :)

That concludes that.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

MF 14 Fixed

Episode 14 has been fixed so you can download it from our Completed Episodes page :)
Oh, and the torrents are a bit confusing, I'm on a lot during the week ends, but I can't always seed, eh? Sorry...
So, I'm embeding some of 15 right now, so that will be done soon enough, but 15.2 hasn't been checked over yet, I'm waiting for it.

Our Completed Episodes


We've seen that people have been requesting Torrent forms of it, so uh yeah. I think I got it down...

Warning: Any old links on past posts probably don't work, so use this page instead XP

So here's the complete list of episodes with their AVI, IPOD, TORRENT, and STREAMING links, have fun :)

Monochrome Factor Episode 11 - Impatient Shadow:
AVI Format - [MegaUpload] [SendSpace]
IPOD Format - [MegaUpload]

Monochrome Factor Episode 12 - Annihilating Shadow:
AVI Format - [MegaUpload] [SendSpace]
IPOD Format - [MegaUpload]

Monochrome Factor Episode 13 - Shadow of the People of Light:
AVI Format - [MegaUpload] [SendSpace]
IPOD Format - [MegaUpload]

Monochrome Factor Episode 14 - Dangerous Shadow:
AVI Format - [MegaUpload] [SendSpace]
IPOD Format - [MegaUpload]

If you have any problems, send an email to or leave a comment :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Poll #3

So Shirogane won poll #2 with a staggering 114 votes. Kou came in second with 81, and Akira landed third with 77. Not bad.

I think everyone should now vote in poll 3 so we can see which character is hated the most. XP

I've passed off the scripts for episode 15.1 to Wolfy, and 15.2 is now being checked by Vinny. I'll probably start working on 16 over the weekend. It looks like it'll be fairly easy to translate, but who knows. I might have some kind of shut down due to midterms being this upcoming week. However! I got wind that my third box set arrived at home, so we'll have to see what kind of goodies are in store on that when I go back tonight. >8D

Also I wish to make a public apology about the last line of 14. It is, in fact, supposed to read, "Don't trust Shirogane." For some reason, the "nai" on the end slipped past me (even though I was looking at the Chinese manhwa at the time and "bu" was very clearly printed). It might be the same possession that made me read "former" as "latter" and thus screwed up my philosophy paper big-time. Just maybe.

Anyway, please go vote! Who will win the distinction of "Most Hated Character"? 8D

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monochrome Factor Episode 14 [MonoRyuukou-Subs]

Hiya!! I know it's been awhile-but it's finally here!!

So anyways, I would normally give the 'not your best quality subs' speech, but I'm pretty sure you already know instead I'm going to give you the 'odd things about this episode' speech. Basically we had some confusion surrounding the naming in this episode. You will hear/read Numazu Mitsuhiro, Kumi Chou, and plain Numazu and Kumi. We think we got it down, but we thought it best to warn you. If you do need (for some odd reason) a better explanation, we will post one, you just have to let us know... If you've read this far you may be like 'just give us the [insert your choice curse word] episode-so here you go :P

Download Monochrome Factor Episode 14 English Subs [MonoRyuukou-Subs]

Watch It On MegaVideo

Once again, inform us of any errors (like the one where I spelled 'definitely'-'definitelly' (Sorry my bad), but I'm sure everyone will survive that) *Sweat*

By the way, 13 is up on MegaVideo too, it just isn't fixed yet...

Oh! I nearly forgot! Are there different versions of the file that you (as the fans) would like it in? We have only been posting the AVI versions but I (Wolfy) have versions converted for iPod, and PSP at hand, and am able to convert it to many more-you just have to tell me :)

~MR-S Trinity

Monday, October 6, 2008

Monochrome Factor Seiyuu

While looking at the MF official blog a few days before the series officially ended, I noticed they had this lovely little picture up. They must have finished the recording earlier and decided to get a group picture.

Now, I am unable to recognize all of these wonderful actors by sight, but with a little research I got most of them put together...:

Back row (left to right): ??, Tamura Yukari (Lulu), ??, Koshimizu Ami (Asamura Mayu), Hatano Wataru (Watagsuma Shuichi / Master), Yoshino Hiroyuki (Nanaya), ??

Front row: Asano Masumi (Suzuno Aya), Kamiya Hiroshi (Asamura Kengo), Suwabe Junichi (Shirogane), Saiga Mitsuki (Kujou Haruka), Konishi Katsuyuki (Kou)

On floor: Ono Daisuke (Nikaidou Akira)

I'm sure, for the most part, about Ono-sama, the front row, and Master's actor. Does anyone else know who the others are? (Don't suggest Homurabi's voice actor is in there; I am a huge fan of his and I know him on sight. He's not there.) I'm pretty convinced one of the older guys is Hikojuurou's VA but I'm not sure which one. If it were my guess, it would be the sir on the far left. But then... who would the other be...? O_o

Anyway, just a fun little tidbit for you all. :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Poll + AMV Event!

It is now October! 8D Hurray!

So, MR-S' first poll has concluded! It seems the vast majority of you would like to see subbed DVD extras from us. We're still discussing the possibility, so it may or may not happen, but it was certainly fun to see what everyone thought.

On that note, since the anime series has concluded, we have started another poll: favourite characters! Please go vote for your favourite and let's see who tops them all!

We are MonoRyuukou-Subs are also proud to announce a fun event - Monochrome AMV Festival! Share your AMV skillz with all other MF fans, and don't be afraid to show off no matter what skill level you're at! It can be serious, something you made quickly, or downright stupid. We don't care. ;P Show your fan-ness!

If you have an AMV you'd like featured, you can upload it somewhere (YouTube, Blogspot, etc.) and then e-mail us at to give us the link, or you can host it on a place like MediaFire or Megaupload and also e-mail that link to us. We'll then put the links with your names in this journal so everyone can have fun.

Please participate! It will be enjoyable. :D