Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from MonoRyuukou-Subs

I suggest that everyone click here or here and start getting the big present, and then if they're interested, come back for box set 5 images.

I did want to get this temp-sub video out yesterday but several rather pressing physical obstacles came up (one involving a once-full-but-now-near-empty jug of orange juice and then the advent of Santa Claus). I am alive and I did finish the video, although neglecting the ED lyrics which I don't think anyone will miss. Wolfy is working on the polished version, and that should be out in the next couple of days, but this temp-sub should be enough to at least satisfy those wishing to know what goes on in this episode.

And so if you happen to be downloading my very sad version of a subbed episode (working with this in Windows Movie Maker made me appreciate Wolfy so much more. SO MUCH MORE.), I hope you will enjoy it and check back in a few days to get the actual version, complete with TLNotes and other such fun things. You will notice in mine that the text is a bit hard to read, some lines aren't there, timing is off etc., but like I said - you get most of it, and you can get the real version later. :D

Now, for images.

Slipcover. Nice pose.

DVD front cover. This has got to be one of my absolute favourites. :3

And with that, a merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thank You + Quick Update 12.12.08 + 11/14 Reup

To all of you that replied in the last post: thank you very much. All the support and pushing to do my work actually got it done. I just need someone to tell me to do it. XD

I guess my biggest issue is that if I honestly could have things my way, I would just translate all day. Translating is my anti-drug. It's what I enjoy more than anything, and the career path I've chosen. So when there's pressure on to get the next episode out and I'm struggling between doing work and translating, the pressure pushes me to translate. Writing it off as an excuse that I'm "practicing my Japanese" is not what I should be doing. It is good practice, but I do need to stay focused on my actual schoolwork. This is something I've learned quickly this first semester at uni.

But especially since I'm going to be in Japan for a few months this upcoming year. :D

The update is: we're planning to have episode 15 out by Christmas. This is tentative, so we will not take attacks over "false promises" kindly, but we really do want to get it out. Wolfy's trying to make arrangements to get somewhere to sub. So, please hang around! If it comes down to it, I'll do the subbing myself with Windows Movie Maker just to have a Christmas present out (after finals are done this Wednesday! Yay!). Won't be the best, obviously, but it'll be something.

Thanks again for your support, and we hope to see you soon with episode 15 - Shadow of Healing!

EDIT: I'm re-up'ing episode 11 and 14. 11 should be up - go check the completed projects page. 14 should be up in about two hours. We apologize for this.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A note from yusahana6323

I really shouldn't be taking time to say this, and it shouldn't have to be said, but I feel like this entry needs to be written.

This is my own view, and while I say I'm speaking for the other members of the Trinity, they have nothing to do with this post. If I offend you, you are free to attack me, but if you bother Wolfy or Vinny over it there will be consequences. You're free to say what you wish about me too. Since I'm the only member of the Trinity in operating condition right now, I'm going to say what I feel is best for the group.

I know how frustrating it is to be waiting for an episode of your favourite show to be subbed, and it doesn't happen. I know how it is. All of the Trinity does. That's why we started this group in the first place. And I know that you want to complain, and you want to know why the new episode isn't out, and you want to bother them.

But that's not the way it works. Just like you, people in sub groups have lives. They might be busier, or they might not be. But you need to respect these people. They are taking their own time to do something for you.

I don't think you guys have any idea of what I give up to translate this show. And I do it for three reasons: one, because I love the Japanese language, and I love translating it. Two, because I love Monochrome Factor. Three, because I want everyone to be able to enjoy what I enjoy.

So I am giving something to you. Wolfy and Vinny feel the same way. We enjoy subbing this show. We love giving you a translated (whatever quality the translation is) episode, so you can watch and understand and enjoy. But it seems like some people don't think we have other things to do with our lives. We try to get the episodes out as quickly as we can. Sometimes, things are out of our control, like what has been happening with episode 15. Sometimes things are perfectly within our control, but we just don't have the time to be doing this.

And sometimes, things are within our control, but we have no time, and for some reason we still push forward with it anyway.

Can I just give you guys an idea of what I do to translate this show?

I've skipped work in order to translate several episodes. This cuts down on money I desperately need to keep myself alive. I am living on cold cereal and canned soup, and while this might be normal of other college students, there is also the fact I go out of my way to buy Monochrome Factor DVDs so everyone can have at least a taste extra. That gives me even less money and thus, less money for things such as food, clothes, and school supplies.

I was so eager to finish translating episode 16 that I didn't go to several Finnish classes and didn't study, and consequently failed the test that followed. I have my oral today and I know I'm going to fail that too, because I spent the Thanksgiving weekend getting things in order to translate character songs, dramas, and DVD extras that I can hand out in place of episodes until we can get things there back under control.

And then last night, I stayed up late so I could start translating episode 17. I was up until one in the morning, ignoring the fact that I had to wake up at five in order to get ready for class, and ignoring the fact that I hadn't slept the night before either. I bailed out on my philosophy paper, writing less than four pages when it should be nine, and skipped over my history paper which is due on Wednesday and still needs another three pages written, so that 17 can get out as quickly as possible when we are able to get that rolling. Why? Because I want you guys to have these episodes.

So how do you think I felt when I woke up this morning after just a few hours of sleep, and checked in on the site and found another "It's been weeks, where's episode 15!?!" comment after we've said several times to please, please not bother us about it?

I guess it's a rhetorical question, and I'm more than sure that most of the people that are doing things like this don't read the actual blog we have set up here for everyone to see our progress and other things like that. But it's so upsetting. I sacrifice a lot to translate this, and the rest of the Trinity sacrifices to work on this also. I know that Wolfy has spent a day subbing and then had to do her homework under the covers with a flashlight so that her parents wouldn't catch her and ban her from subbing. Vinny is so busy that it's a miracle she even finds time to check scripts.

The gratitude everyone expresses to us when we release a new episode is something that makes us smile. We are very happy being able to give you something you want. But the ungracious comments that follow when we don't release as often as some might like almost completely erases the warm feelings we get from helping you out.

We don't have to do this. We are taking time out of our own lives to give you something you want, free of charge. We put a lot of effort into it, forgetting things that should come first so that you can watch a single episode. Somehow, we make time even when there should be no time to do it, or there is, in fact, no time to do it.

If we give up this much to give something to you, can't you at least be polite and wait quietly for us to finish?

I'm grateful to those of you that have been saying this same thing to people that are whining. You have no idea how much we appreciate you understanding and sticking up for us. If you have read this blog, and you see people complaining, please direct them here, and/or tell them that if they continue they run the risk of having us delay the episodes further or the group shut down completely.

Your support is always appreciated, and please rest assured we are doing our utmost best to get these episodes out. We don't like hoarding them, unlike some people seem to believe.