Saturday, February 14, 2009

OP Theme - Metamorphose CD Download

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Before I want to get down to business, I want to alert everyone. I'm sure anyone that's seen the chatbox in the past week or so has seen one of the posts talking about how you can find a few Monochrome Factor episodes at some site or another. I hate to be called paranoid but I would honestly advise against clicking on that link. Over on deviantArt there's been viruses going around because of posts like that - tricking you into thinking there's something beyond the link, but there is actually a malicious virus waiting right there for you.

I haven't clicked on the link to see whether or not I'm crying wolf, but my thoughts are: everyone here knows where to find episodes of Monochrome Factor, I'm sure, from valid sites. If you don't, message us and we'll see if we can help you. But I just don't want anything happening to any of our visitors. Please, if you have clicked on the link and gotten a virus, let us know so we can take action against it.

Now, continuing on... here's another CD download for you - the opening theme, "Metamorphose" by Asriel.

1. Metamorphose
2. 歎きの雨を一雫
3. Metamorphose (off vocal)
4. 歎きの雨を一雫 (off vocal)

Please enjoy! :)

P.S. If you're one of those unfortunate people that saw this post before I realized I didn't put in download links, I really apologize. Midterms, brain fried! Whee! Fixed now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this song, thanks for the CD =D. Thanks for the warning about the link, I probably would have checked it out at one point or another.