Sunday, August 24, 2008

Episode 13 - Translated

That's where the progress stands on the next episode, at least. After watching episode 12 when we released it, I suddenly got very paranoid about my translations, so I took extra-special care, as much as I could, with episode 13.

Though, it might we a week or so before it actually comes out due to Wolfy and Vinny being stuck back in school. I still have a week to go, so I'm going to try and translate as much as I can.

The moving went great, though there's still some settling-in to do (things to buy, things to put up, schedules to figure out, etc.) but it's gone rather well so far. Hurray for my random MF stuff posted on the walls!

My Shirogane CD should be here by tomorrow, so I'll be able to have his character song translated as well. Maybe I'll start translating the dramas...

Anyway, so expect episode 13 soon. Byes!



elyszia said...

You are awesome ! Congrats on the move!

Anonymous said...

don't worry about it, the thing is that you are translating it and to me that's all that matters. people should be grateful ^^

Anonymous said...

Woot, (Really appreciate you translating Monochrome, One of my favorite animes and no one aside from you seems up to the task, So great job keep up the great work!)